Writing Assessment Rubric

6-Point Rubric


Word Choice

Ideas & Content


Sentence Fluency


Writing Assessment Rubric - Voice



Looks Like


Not Yet

The writing seems to lack a sense of involvment or commitment. The writing is characterized by:

  • no engagement of the writer; the writing is flat and lifeless.
  • a lack of audience awareness; there is no sense of "writing to be read."
  • no hint of the writer behind the words. There is no sense of interaction between writer and reader; the writing does not involve or engage the reader.



The writing provides little sense of involvement or commitment. There is no evidence that the writer has chosen a suitable voice. The writing is characterized by:

  • little engagement of the writer; the writing tends to be largely flat, lifeless, stiff, or mechanical.
  • a voice that is likely to be overly informal and personal.
  • a lack of audience awareness; there is little sense of "writing to be read."
  • little or no hint of the writer behind the words. There is rarely a sense of interaction between reader and writer.



The writer's commitment to the topic seems inconsistent. A sense of the writer may emerge at times; however, the voice is either inappropriately personal or inappropriately impersonal. The writing is characterized by:

  • a limited sense of audience; the writer's awareness of the reader is unclear.
  • an occasional sense of the writer behind the words; however, the voice may shift or disappear a line or twolater and the writing become somewhat mechanical.
  • a limited ability to shift to a more objective voice when necessary. (expository, persuasive, for example)
  • stiff voice.



A voice is present. The writer demonstrates commitment to the topic, and there may be a sense of "writing to be read." In places, the writing is expressive, engaging, or sincere. The writing is characterized by:

  • a questionable or inconsistent level of closeness to or distance from the audience.
  • a sense of audience; the writer seems to be aware of the reader, but has not consistently employed an appropriate voice. The reader may glimpse the writer behind the words and feel a sense of interaction in places.
  • liveliness, sincerity, or humor when appropriate; however, at times the writing may be either inappropriately casual or personal, or inappropriately formal and stiff.
  • humor may appear.
  • writer doesn't want the audience to know him/her well.



The writer has chosen a voice appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience. The writer seems committed to the topic, and there is a sense of "writing to be read." The writing is expressive, engaging, or sincere. The writing is characterized by:

  • an appropriate level of closeness to or distance from the audience; engaging, lively, or interesting.
  • technical writing may show a more academic voice.
  • a strong sense of audience; the writer seems to be aware of the reader and of how to communicate the message most effectively.
  • reader may discern the writer behind the words and feel a sense of interaction.
  • a sense that the topic has come to life; when appropriate, the writing may show originality, liveliness, honesty, conviction, excitement, humor or suspense.



The writer has chosen a voice appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience. The writer seems deeply committed to the topic, and there is an exceptional sense of "writing to be read." The writing is expressive, engaging, or sincere. The writing is characterized by:

  • an effective level of closeness to or distance from the audience; engaging, lively, or interesting.
  • technical writing may show a more academic voice.
  • an exceptionally strong sense of audience; the writer seems to be aware of the reader and of how to communicate the message most effectively.
  • reader may discern the writer behind the words and feel a sense of interaction.
  • a sense that the topic has come to life; when appropriate, the writing may show originality, liveliness, honesty, conviction, excitement, humor or suspense.

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