Commander Toad in Space
Author: Jane Yolen

Reading Level: 2.9
Number Words: 2000
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

Commander Toad is

brave and bright, bright and brave.
bold and adventurous, adventurous and bold.
bright and sunny, sunny and bright.
brave and brown, brown and brave.

Question 2

The name of Commander Toad's ship is

Star Warts.
Star Seeker.
Frog Warts.
Planet Pusher.

Question 3

Why did the crew have to drop a plastic lily pad on the planet?

The planet was all water, no land.
The planet had no hiding places.
The planet was not soft enough for landing without one.
The planet was covered with slippery jelly.

Question 4

An angry creature announced,

"I am Deep Wader! And this planet belongs to me."
"Welcome to my planet. I am Deep Wader."
"I am Deep Wader! Do you want to buy my planet?"
"I am Deep Wader! What are you doing here?"

Question 5

The crew kept Deep Wader busy with

riddles and songs.
chocolate bars.
reading bedtime stories.
memories of his childhood.