Pig Pig Gets a Job
Author: David McPhail

Reading Level: 2.9
Number Words: 1000
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

Why did Pig Pig want a job?

He wanted to buy things with money.
He was tired of going to school.
His mom told him he had to get a job.
He wanted to be famous.

Question 2

Pip Pig thought he could be a cook because

he made good mud pies.
he made good cherry pies.
he had lots of cook books.
he always made his own lunch.

Question 3

Pig Pig's mother thought he could

wash cars and keep them shiny.
fix cars.
wash clothes.
drive cars in races.

Question 4

Pig Pig thought he could .......... at the circus.

train animals
be a clown
be a ringmaster

Question 5

Who gave Pip Pig a job?

his mom
the circus
his neighbor
the bakery